Facilities Meetings

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Revision as of 17:20, 10 May 2017 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

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With so many gifted minds, meetings can wander in unintended directions preventing discussion and resolution of specific issues. With that in mind, Facilities meetings are to be conducted with the following guidelines:

  1. Members wishing to address a specific issue can submit details and/or solutions via the #facility channel on Slack and/or each rooms Bulletin Board.
  2. Unless an urgent issue has arisen on short notice, topics of discussion will be limited to issues that were compiled in the agenda.
  3. Meetings will be limited to an hour and a half unless the attendees vote to extend the meeting.
  4. Meeting location will be announced before the meeting on the #Facility and #General channel on Slack plus the current Calendar System.
  5. Attendees will be courteous of others by not talking over other attendees.
  6. Facilities meetings are intended to discuss Factur issues and not to settle personal agendas.
  7. Meeting attendees will be awesome and not crappy or they will be thrown at a car.
  8. Attendees not adhering to these guidelines will be warned and if they continue to disrupt the meeting the Facilities Committee Grand Pooba can dismiss the attendee.
  9. These guidelines can be modified at any time through a Facilities Committee vote.

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  1. Members wishing to address a specific issue need to make the Facilities Committee Grand Pooba aware at least 2 days before the meeting so a meeting agenda can be compiled and distributed to regular attendees.